We advertise c.100 Non-Executive Director and Chair roles every month. Here are our top tips on what to include in your non-exec advert:
- Name of the organisation whose board they would be joining. And if they would be joining a sub committee board within that organisation detail that in the title.
- The title of the role – e.g. Chair, Non-Executive Director
- Remuneration – headline how much you pay for how many days a month – e.g. £20,000 for 2 days a month.
Introduction to the organisation
- The role of this intro is to inspire candidates to appreciate what you do.
- If the organisation is going through any major events e.g. merger/ acquisition/ restructure and it’s public knowledge then provide that information here.
- Remember the candidate will have Google, and they can read your website; so you don’t need to put too much information here! We’d recommend c.200 words.
The role
- What is the function of this particular board?
- What is expected of this particular role on the board?
- Location: where are your offices/ do you solely meet online?
- Time commitment: where are board meetings held (online/ in person etc.)? What is the usual pattern of board meetings (e.g. they usually take place on a Weds/Thurs and run from 10am-3pm)? What are the expectations for work outside of those times (reading, other meetings)? What is your overall estimate of how much time this role will entail on average per month (e.g. 2 days a month)?
- Term of the appointment: is it a three year term, with a maximum of three terms, so 9 years in total?
- Remuneration: is the position remunerated? And if so, how much will you pay in Directors Fees (e.g. £12,000 per year)?
A video interview?
- This is optional! Bring your advert to life with a video of a member of the board talking about the role and who you are looking for! We would be happy to record a video interview with you. Check out more info here.
Who you are looking for
- What skills are you seeking?
- What experience are you seeking? Perhaps people who have experience of working in a certain type of organisation / sector. Or those who have experienced certain events.
- What perspectives are you seeking? You might think of this as ‘diversity characteristics’. This is your opportunity to let those whose view might be currently under-represented on your board know that you would particularly encourage them to apply!
- Are there any other specific requirements? E.g. you must live in a certain area, or you must have any particular qualifications. It can be helpful to breakdown your requirements into ‘Essential’ and ‘Desirable’, just make sure you don’t say something is essential unless you really mean it!
- Try to avoid imprecise language such as ‘senior leadership’ experience as it means different things to different people.
Where to find further information:
- Link to your website.
- Links to any particular documents you’d recommend they read. E.g. a candidate information pack, annual report, or strategic plan.
- Who to speak to if they have any questions about the role. Ideally provide a named person, their role, their email address and if you’d like, a phone number.
Application info:
- Closing date
- Where to apply (link/ email address)
- What to send in the application
- Any information on the recruitment process
For tips on how to attract under-represented groups to apply for your board role click here.
Can Dynamic Boards help you?
- Are you recruiting a Non-Executive Director? Learn more about how we can help you here. Get in touch with us and we can reach out on your behalf to candidates on our database who meet your brief. Hello@dynamicboards.co.uk
- Are you looking for Non-Exec roles? Click here to view our board roles. It’s free to join Dynamic Boards and view our board roles, the last thing this industry needs is more pay to view or exclusive access clubs!