Becoming a Non-Executive Director

The True Time Commitment Of A Non-Executive Director

The advertised time commitment of a Non-Exec is often different from the time it actually takes to effectively manage the role. This article takes a look at how NEDs spend their time, what events can cause a spike in time commitment and how the time commitment for Non-Execs varies from sector to sector.

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Becoming A NED In A Family Owned Business

A seat at the top table of a family owned business brings its own set of unique challenges and opportunities for an independent board member joining the board as a Non-Executive Director or Board Advisor. What should you consider when joining a family business board? Read more to find out.

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Shadow Directors: What Is A Shadow Directorship & How To Avoid It?

Boards are at the heart of company governance. They play a critical role in making strategic decisions, managing risks and providing oversight and accountability, and can have a significant role in shaping the company’s overall performance and impact. With great power comes great responsibility for the company Directors, but watch out: it also comes to shadow directors.

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Joining the Board of a Housing Association

Becoming a non-executive director of a housing association is “like getting an MBA for free”… We asked Mark Sweeny what he’d say to someone considering joining the board of a housing association. His 1 minute answer gets to the heart of it: you’d get a huge amount of personal development (akin to a “free MBA”!) and a chance to bring

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