Recruiting a Non-Executive Director?

If you’re looking to recruit your accountant’s friend, your Chair’s golf club buddy, or a name in someone’s little black book then… you don’t need us!
If, however, you want to run an advertising campaign to find people you don’t already know who can bring independent and insightful views, then… you’ve come to the right place.
We have a network of candidates who bring a mix of skills, experiences and perspectives. How did we find them? It’s simple: we created the UK’s first FREE, welcoming, friendly, inclusive advertising platform for non-exec roles.

Advertise your role to our candidates

Data – led

We know our candidates well! They’ve opted to share their data with us, including: their board experience, skills, sector experience, gender, ethnicity, disabilities, sexuality, age, and postcode area.

We can contact those who meet your brief to encourage them to consider your role.

Board ready

73% of our candidates have some experience on a board: as an executive, charity trustee, or non-executive director.

We encourage first time non-execs to consider applying for board roles, particularly where we know they will bring a fresh perspective to a board.


We are passionate about diversity on boards! 27% of people on our database are from Black, Asian, or minority ethnic backgrounds. 8% live with a disability. 49% are women. 7% identify as LGBTQ+. 47% are based outside London and the South East, across the four nations. 

Advertising with a refreshingly human touch! 

NED ‘jobs board’

We’ve advertised over 3000 Non-Executive board roles from across the UK since we launched in May 2020, on more than 1800 different boards . It’s free to view. Sign up to see for yourself. 

Video interviews

Crack a smile and suddenly a written advert comes to life! We can record an informal zoom conversation about your board and organisation. We make it easy even for those who hate the thought of being on camera! See examples: YouTube channel. 

Direct email

We have permission to directly email our candidates about your board role. Email marketing has proven to be incredibly effective at grabbing attention. Our personalised emails will encourage candidates to consider your role. 



  • Role featured in our biweekly newsletter
  • Role featured in the top section of our jobs board
  • Role posted on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • Role shared in our weekly WhatsApp updates

£500 inc. VAT


  • Email sent to c.70-500 candidates who meet your brief
  • Role featured in our biweekly newsletter
  • Role featured in the top section of our jobs board
  • Role posted on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • Role featured in our weekly WhatsApp updates

£1500 inc. VAT
+ 20% success fee*
* per candidate appointed,
min, max and multiple discount apply,
see FAQs below


  • Video interview over zoom (one recorded session, with one or two members of your board being interviewed)
  • Diversity analytics pack detailing the demographics reached by this campaign
  • One hour of consultation time on advert wording and email planning
  • Email sent to c.70-1000 candidates who meet your brief
  • Role featured in our biweekly newsletter
  • Role featured in the top section of our jobs board
  • Role posted on social media (LinkedIn and Twitter)
  • Role featured in our weekly WhatsApp updates

£2500 inc. VAT
+ 20% success fee*
* per candidate appointed,
min, max and multiple discount apply,
see FAQs below

Limited budget? Please contact us for a conversation.

Client testimonials


Newydd Housing

Housing Association, Wales
Advertised for one new board member

“The campaign went fantastically. Better than our wildest expectations and we had a huge number of applications, all of which were really excellent! We could have easily appointed 20 Board members from the applications that came forward from the Dynamic Boards process. We appointed two new board members!”

Jason Wroe, CEO

Watch our interview with Jason


World Transport

Family owned private company
Advertised for two Non-Execs

“We were really impressed with the quality of applicants that we that we got through so many diverse backgrounds from all walks of life. The quality of candidates exceeded expectations. We appointed two people.”

Rochelle & John Sommer, Chairs, World Transport Agency

Watch our interview with John & Rochelle

Logo1912_Gambling Commission


Non-departmental public body
Advertised for a new Chair

“It’s been such a positive experience from the very beginning.  Dynamic Board’s mission of ensuring the right people hear about their clients jobs and their data led approach proved to be a success.  Job filled. Organisation happy.”

Feona Veys, Recruitment Partner, Gambling Commission

Watch our interview with the Acting CEO and a Commissioner

Next steps

Write your advert

Read our top tips on what to include in your advert here. And our top tips on how to encourage under-represented groups to apply for your role here.

Email us

Send us your advert, and we’ll get it live for you within 24 hours.


If you’ve selected the Silver or Gold package please get in touch via email and we’ll arrange a time to speak with you to arrange next steps.


How soon can we go live with the Bronze/ Silver/ Gold options?

We can have your role listed on the site within 1 working day.

Bronze: within 1 working day

Silver: within 2 working days

Gold: depending on availability of the team for advert wording consultation, and the availability of the interviewees. We can do this within a few days subject to availability

What should we write in our board member advert?

That’s up to you! But we have shared our top tips here

How does the success fee work?

We charge a success fee if the candidate (/s) you appoint came to you through a Dynamic Boards Campaign, and/ or is registered on the Dynamic Boards database.  The fee is based on the candidate’s total annual director fees per person you appoint.

You will inform us when the candidate has agreed to join the board and signed a contract. If a success fee is applicable, we will ask you to confirm the Directors fees for that individual (/s) and we will invoice you accordingly.

This agreement is valid for candidates appointed within 1 year of the closing date of your advertising campaign with us. We appreciate some recruitment campaigns take a considerable amount of time from closing to appointing, particularly with public sector bodies/ regulated markets.

Our minimum success fee is £1,000 per candidate. Our maximum success fee is £6,000 per candidate. We do provide discounts on success fees if you appoint multiple individuals from Dynamic Boards to your board, contact us for details. 

We forgo the success fee when working alongside one of our search firm/ head hunter/ executive recruiter partners. We are open to new partners so please do contact us if you’d like us to work alongside a particular firm.

Do you advertise unpaid board roles? E.g. a Charity trustee role

Yes. We ask our candidates whether they are interested in paid/ voluntary/ equity-only board roles when they sign up. 40% of our candidates are interested in voluntary roles. If you advertise a voluntary role with us and select a silver or gold package then we will exclusively email the candidates who are interested in voluntary roles. 

If a charity selects our Silver/ Gold campaign they will pay the minimum success fee of £1000 if they recruit a candidate that came from a Dynamic Boards campaign and/ or if the appointed candidate is registered on our database.

Do you advertise equity-only board roles?

Yes. The majority of our roles are paid, but we are also happy to advertise equity only board roles too. 

We ask candidates whether they are interested in paid/ unpaid/ equity-only board roles when they sign up. 51% of our candidates are interested in equity-only roles. If you advertise an equity-only role with us and select a silver or gold package then we will exclusively email the candidates who are interested in equity-only roles. 

Do you advertise investing NED roles?

No, we don’t advertise roles that require the prospective non-exec to invest money in a company in order to gain a seat on the board. We would recommend you use another platform that focuses on raising investment, rather than starting by looking for a non-exec that can invest. We’d recommend using an angel investor website such as CrowdCube. 

Will you advertise for an executive board role?

No, I’m afraid we only advertise non-executive board roles. 

We are passionate about diversity on boards, how can Dynamic Boards work with us to improve board diversity?

We are passionate about improving the diversity of your board too! We have candidates from all backgrounds on our Dynamic Boards database. If you know there are particular groups of people who are under-represented on your board we can send an email directly to that group on our database to encourage them to consider your board role.

How long do you advertise the role for?

We are flexible! We’d recommend listing your role for a minimum of 21 days, and a max of 45 days. We will feature the role at the top of the jobs board for a maximum of 45 days. In exceptional circumstances we may consider a longer period.

Do you vet the candidates on your site?

We don’t vet our candidates. Why? Because we are an advertiser not a search firm! We don’t feel it is our place to decide who is or is not ready to join your board. We work hard to ensure our communications attract people who will add value to your board, and then it’s over to you (or a search firm if you are using one) to decide who is right for your board. 

73% of our candidates have some experience on a board: as an executive, charity trustee, or non-executive director. We have candidates who are on the boards of listed companies, and we have candidates who are looking for their first board role!

What should we pay our Non-Execs?

That’s up to you! Here are some examples of the pay ranges we usually see in a variety of sectors: here

Can you do a full board search? Including filtering applications and interviewing candidates?

We only get involved at the advertising stage, we don’t filter applications and we don’t conduct interviews. We are experts in one thing: advertising!

You have two options for your Non-Executive Director recruitment: you can use a search firm (we can recommend one if you’d like), or you can manage the process in-house.

Does Dynamic Boards work with search firms?

Yes, we work alongside search firms/ executive search/ head hunters. We have established partnerships with some firms, and we are open to working with new partners.

Candidates will apply directly to the recruiting organisation (as stipulated by our client). For us to work with a search firm, our candidates must be able to view and apply for the role freely (without being vetted first). 

We forgo our Success Fee when working alongside search firms. 

Where do the applications go?

Dynamic Boards simply advertises roles, we don’t receive applications. Candidates apply to whatever email address or link you ask them to apply to in your advert wording. You will receive the applications. 

When do we pay?

We will invoice you after the role closing date. 

Anything else?

Email us at

Useful Information:


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