Recruiting a Non-Executive Director

The Merits of the Consultant Non-Executive Director

What are some of the main biased viewpoints that consultancy-experienced Non-Executive Directors face and what can they do to navigate and mitigate these potential biases during board applications? Learn more in this guest opinion blog from Liz Henderson, member of our Dynamic Boards NED Community.

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What Makes A Good Non-Executive Director? A CEO’s Perspective

The most important relationship that Non-Executive Directors must nurture and sustain is the one with their Chief Executive Officer. However, it is a complex relationship since the CEO is in charge of day-to-day operations of the company, developing and executing strategy while the board provides a broader perspective, approving and advising on decisions. What traits would a CEO look for

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What to write in your Non-Executive Director role advert?

We advertise c.100 Non-Executive Director and Chair roles every month. Here are our top tips on what to include in your non-exec advert: Headlines: Name of the organisation whose board they would be joining. And if they would be joining a sub committee board within that organisation detail that in the title. The title of the role – e.g. Chair,

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Data dive on housing non-exec board roles

What kind of board members are housing associations looking for? How much do they pay? And how much do they use search firms? Read our insights to find out.  Nearly half of all Housing Associations specifically look for diversity in their non-exec adverts. The group most frequently encouraged to apply for roles is people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic

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Helping Housing Associations create dynamic boards

We know it isn’t easy to create a dynamic board; with a brilliant and ever changing mix of skills, experiences and perspectives. We are on a mission to help you dance towards dynamism, (rather than ticking boxes to achieve diversity)! We use data to optimise the advertising of your non-exec vacancy so you or your search firm can focus your

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