Watch our chat with Jonathan Roe, Chair of Amigo Holdings Plc.
☛ Joining a board while meetings are held remotely
☛ The impact of lockdown on interactions between the board and employees
☛ The importance of simple or left-field questions
☛ Avoiding group think
Thank you Jonathan for your time!
If you know of a Non-Executive Director who you think Dynamic Boards should chat with then let us know at hello@dynamicboards.co.uk. We are keen to demystify the role of a NED through these videos, and we hope they will encourage a greater mix of candidates to apply for board roles.
Interested in becoming a Non-Executive Director? Dynamic Boards showcases more paid non-executive director roles than any other site. It’s totally free, and everyone is welcome. Sign up here today.
Would you like help advertising your board vacancy? We’d love to hear from you: hello@dynamicboards.co.uk