Why we’d like your data and what we plan to do with it.
Purpose-led needs data-led
When we started Dynamic Boards we committed to making our approach purpose-led and data-led. We exist to make UK boards more dynamic: with a stronger mix of skills, experiences and perspectives represented, for the benefit of all.
When you sign up to Dynamic Boards we ask you some questions about your skills, area of experience, experience, and perspective. We use this data in a number of ways, in line with our purpose and keeping privacy paramount. We don’t collect more data than we need. We don’t need to know your date of birth to calculate your age, just your year of birth; we don’t need to know exactly where you live, the first part of your postcode will suffice.
Gathering a dynamic mix
We use data to make sure we have a dynamic mix signed up to Dynamic Boards. If we see we are missing out on people from a certain industry or background, we will work to find people in that sector and encourage them to explore becoming a NED. If we find we’re missing people from the North East of England, where there are roles waiting, we will set about finding great people in that region. Collecting data helps us to make sure we are building a community of people who will help make UK boards more dynamic.
Giving helpful nudges
We want to let you know when someone is looking for someone just like you. When boards are recruiting for NEDs they are often looking for a really specific mix of experience and skills, for example, an accountant with experience in arts and culture. They also might be looking to diversify their board in terms of age or ethnicity, or they might really be hoping to find someone based near their head office in Lincoln.
When companies post a role that you would be well suited to, we can reach out and give you a nudge to encourage you to apply. Speaking candidly about what boards are looking for helps you to know which roles to apply to, and helps boards get a greater quality of applicants. This doesn’t restrict access to anyone: we’ll always allow all candidates to see all the roles on our site at any time.
We are committed to your privacy and protecting your data. Want to know more? Have any questions? Contact us