To mark International Women’s Day 2025, we spoke with five women from our Dynamic Boards NED Community to hear about their boardroom experiences, what they find most rewarding about NED work, and how we can encourage more women into the boardroom.
In the final instalment of this series of blogs focusing on women on boards, we are shining a light on Yvonne Luu, an Associate Non-Executive Director in the housing sector.
Why did you become a NED / Chair?
I’m an Associate NED for a housing organisation, which is a bit like being a NED with training wheels on. I’m paid a salary, participate on the main Board in the same way as my fellow Board members, and sit on two of the Committees – however I don’t have voting rights.
I decided to become a NED because I’m really interested in power, influence, and how decisions are made in our society. I think it’s common to think that change-making power in our society is centralised in government and held by parliamentarians. Although this is true to an extent, there are also many decisions made within boardrooms that can significantly affect our everyday lives – and yet, we don’t vote for these people. Becoming a NED is a very active and direct way for me to influence this decision-making system and help organisations make better decisions for their beneficiaries.
What do you enjoy about NED work?
I’m really inspired by my fellow Board members. Many of them have led very successful professional careers and are now interested in lending their skills in a different capacity. I’ve also found an organisation whose values align with my own, so I feel motivated to work with them to achieve the best outcomes possible.
What would you say to inspire more women to become NEDs?
There are so many different reasons why becoming a NED can be enjoyable and fulfilling. It can be a way to volunteer, get involved in your community, support a cause you care about, develop your leadership and strategy skills, expand your network, strengthen your skills and experience for your resume, or even to grow your income. My advice is: start doing a little digging online, chat to some NEDs, and think about what type of role and organisation would best suit what you’re looking for.
What do you think is holding more women back from becoming NEDs?
I think some of it has to do with not having a good understanding of what Boards do and the range of organisations out there which are looking for NEDs. Perhaps another reason is this feeling that because they’ve never done it before, they’re not really sure where to start – to which I’d say: every experienced NED started with their first role!
View our roles
Whether you’re looking for your first board role, or are an existing Non-Executive seeking a new boardroom challenge, you are welcome to sign up and view our roles for free here. Dynamic Boards lists c.100 Non-Executive Director, Chair and Trustee roles every month from all over the UK. We also provide blogs and YouTube videos to encourage and inspire NEDs.
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Are you a Non-Executive Director, Trustee or Chair on a UK board? If so, sign up to our free NED Community! We host monthly online meet-ups where we invite guest speakers to contribute on a range of topics as well as allowing time for peer-to-peer support between Non-Execs. If you want to become a more thoughtful and effective board member, register here.
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Are you/ your board recruiting a Non-Executive Director, Chair or Trustee? We can help you advertise your role to candidates who will bring the skills, experience and perspectives you need on your board. View information on our advertising options here or contact the Dynamic Boards team at hello@dynamicboards.co.uk.