Science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) skills are essential to any modern business. Mistakes in STEM can be expensive, and in some cases, catastrophic, so it’s critical to have these skills represented at the top level.
We spoke with STEM champion, Helen Ramsay, about her journey from a chemical engineer to Non-Executive Director.
Why did you become a NED?
I have always enjoyed strategy – from when I first became an engineer to when I did my MBA and then later in managing an engineering department and developing the engineering strategy for the site
I enjoy solving complex problems, working together with others, spotting opportunities and bringing in diverse perspectives and I find becoming a NED allowed me the opportunity to do this at a board level – making a difference to the business helping to deliver sustainability for the long term.
What skills from your engineering background were you able to draw on in your role as a Non-Executive Director?
Engineers are very practical people – they look at what the company needs to achieve and they find ways to do it – I think this is not so dissimilar from the NED role. They problem solve and do a lot of team work – again this is key to being successful at board level. If you don’t collaborate or work through challenges in a practical way, you can’t deliver strategy or maximise opportunities for growth.
For me being a chemical engineer by background, I found my experience of looking at the process as a whole and understanding and balancing risk was directly translatable to the NED space. But also digital – as an engineer, you often take for granted your familiarity with new technologies and finding new ways to get the most from these but this is not such a common skill in all boards so by bringing this experience and knowledge, you can not only ask the questions that need asking, you can also help to spot new opportunities for your board to maximise the use of technology in growth.
What advice would you give others in the STEM industry looking to become Non-Executive Directors for the first time?
My advice in a nutshell is go for it!
Boards need more engineers – they need the practical, sustainable, digital knowledge that engineers bring to strategy, governance etc. If you are looking for your first board role, it’s a good idea to think through your experience and draw on examples where you’ve had to influence and persuade or question and assess at a strategic level so that you can articulate your strengths in this area.
In your day job, take advantage of the opportunity to join committees to see how governance works – or join your professional institution and take part in their committees – or look at becoming a public governor in the NHS. That’s a fantastic way to gain experience of what happens in public boards whilst also using your STEM experience to help the NHS at such a challenging time.
STEM is so key to industry today – boards need that expertise and it’s just finding the right way to demonstrate your knowledge and develop at that more strategic level where problem-solving is just as important.
I believe scientists and engineers are exciting people who want to change the world and are always asking ‘why not’ – they make fantastic additions to boards and the Non-Executive Director route offers a great way to become part of the decision-makers in organisations shaping strategy and managing risk.
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